Windows provide insulation from the weather while allowing natural light in. Office workers in high-rise buildings enjoy great views while on the job, thanks to gleaming, clear windows. Properly maintained commercial windows also keep power bills under control while making office interiors bright and shiny. However, there are window cleaning challenges that cleaners have to face – especially in the summer.
Dealing with Window Cleaning Challenges
Cleaning windows is a difficult job, and the extreme summer heat can make the task even harder. Let us look at some of the most common window cleaning challenges for commercial properties.
1. Condensation
Window washers who scale tall buildings often hibernate in the winter, as the cold weather keep them indoors. While window washing services are often booked in the summer, one should avoid periods of high heat. Why? During scorching days, especially with a heatwave, cleaning solutions evaporate very quickly. Condensation that forms on the glass can then leave ugly marks on windows.
The best time to schedule your window cleaning is when there is no sun. Less heat means cleaning solutions will dry more slowly and prevent unsightly blemishes.
2. Safety
Commercial window cleaning is not the same as home window cleaning. Offices are many stories tall, and height is the most obvious obstacle for window washers.
There are many safety options available, depending on the accessibility and height of the building. For example, platforms and ropes make it easier to reach exterior windows. They also allow professional cleaners to work faster and finish multiple frames within a brief period.
Not all equipment for scaling heights is suitable for window washing. To prevent people from falling, cleaners must be equipped with suspension gear or elevation equipment such as scaffolding.
Despite the risk that comes with the job, deaths are actually rare in the window cleaning business. This is because professional cleaners take safety very seriously. Before starting any work, window cleaners check all climbing equipment thoroughly. They make sure that safety equipment is properly installed to guarantee the completion of cleaning tasks with zero injuries.
Building managers should collaborate with professional cleaners to find the best option for efficient and safe window cleaning,
3. Skill
Another window cleaning challenge is skill. Washing the windows of a high-rise building is not just about technique. Cleaners should perform the job while suspended by ropes, hundreds of feet above the ground.
4. Time
Some structures are taller than others, and frequent window cleaning may be impossible for big buildings. As mentioned earlier, window cleaning can be a dangerous occupation. Therefore, professional cleaners must follow safety protocols while on the job. These security measures ensure not only the safety of the cleaners but also the people on the ground. Strict adherence to safety can make the job time-consuming, but it guarantees positive outcomes without accidents.
For skyscrapers, it can take months to clean the windows of just one building. For example, Time Warner Center in New York has 80 glass walls that require four months to clean.
Another window cleaning challenge is the exterior of the Empire State Building. It takes months to wash, that by the time the crew finishes, it is time to start again.
5. The elements
In addition to managing the height required for the job, window cleaners must face adverse weather. Washing exterior windows can be difficult as the job comes with all kinds of danger from the elements.
While up there, window cleaners are at the mercy of the wind. Unexpected wind gusts can be perilous for washers of tall buildings.
Cleaners also have to endure significant heat during summer. To add to that, bugs and insects are common window cleaning challenges as well.
According to a BBC report, one of the toughest jobs in the world is washing skyscrapers in Toronto. Cleaners face a plague of bugs while dangling from a rope for hours – plus the occasional wind gusts.
6. Litterbugs
Window cleaners not only have to deal with harsh weather, dizzying heights, and bird poop. Sometimes they also encounter litterbugs who have no regard for the environment. On one occasion, Empire State Building tenants threw out 40 liters of strawberries which froze on the window. Definitely not a pleasant job for window washers!
7. Finding the suitable cleaning solution
Window washing is a serious job, and applying the wrong cleaning solution can result in blemishes on the glass. Instead of a sparkling outcome, the windows could end up in worse condition than before. Finding the right squeegee, scraper, and soap is crucial to any window washing project.
With years of proven experience in office cleaning, Prestige Property Services can address all of these window cleaning challenges. We help our customers determine the most efficient and cost-effective approach to window cleaning that produces the best results. If you need window cleaning services in Orange County, San Bernardino, or Los Angeles, book a free consultation with us today.