We’ve all most likely encountered obnoxious officemates when office bathroom etiquette is concerned. It could be someone that never puts down the toilet seat or someone that flushes down toilet paper. Regardless of what it entails, bathroom etiquette isn’t just about being proper — it also involves good hygiene. This is why there are certain dos and don’ts when it comes to bathroom etiquette in the workplace.
Proper Office Bathroom Etiquette: Some Things To Keep In Mind
You may already know the rules for office bathroom etiquette, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a review. There are some things that we may need reminding of, after all. Here are 15 things to keep in mind:
1. Keep it clean as much as you can.
The first and most important thing to remember is to try to always keep the bathroom clean. Dirty bathrooms are disgusting and extremely unhygienic, so cleanliness should always be a top priority. It takes effort to keep toilets clean and doing so is everyone’s job. As a courtesy to your workmates, do your part and clean up after yourself after every bathroom trip.
2. Keep it dry.
Wet bathroom floors and counters are much more likely to harbor germs and unpleasant odors. For this reason, always see to it that all bathroom surfaces are always kept dry. If you accidentally splash water on these surfaces, be sure to dry them up afterward. You wouldn’t want to use a soaking wet bathroom that someone else neglected to dry off, after all.
3. Never forget to flush.
Possibly the worst thing you can do after using the bathroom is forgetting to flush. Leaving waste in the bowl without flushing is both unsanitary and rude, regardless of the waste. Be sure to also keep the bowl clean and free of any traces of scraps. Finally, make it a habit to always check if you flushed before you exit the bathroom.
4. Be mindful of what you flush down or throw away.
Keep in mind that toilets are only meant for human waste. Any other kind of waste thrown in and flushed down can risk clogging the pipe system. Paper, plastics, used napkins, and other non-human waste should be stored in a trash bin.
5. Wash your hands.
This is basic hygiene, and something people shouldn’t need to be reminded to do. Make sure you always wash your hands properly after doing your business and dry them off thoroughly afterward. Remember also that improper washing is just as bad — lather for at least 20 seconds before rinsing.
6. Respect personal space and privacy.
Some are completely okay with having chats inside the bathroom, while others just want to do their business. Office bathroom etiquette dictates that you follow others’ wishes in this regard. Keep noise and gossip to a minimum, and don’t be pushy with chatting.
7. Be patient and don’t hog the bathroom.
You wouldn’t want anyone hammering on the bathroom stall while you’re inside, right? Extend courtesy to your officemates by not doing that. Don’t disturb anyone doing their business, and be patient even if you have to use the toilet.
Similarly, it’s annoying when people hog bathroom stalls excessively. If you don’t want anyone else doing it, then naturally, don’t do it yourself. Do your business inside the bathroom, don’t dawdle, clean up afterward. It’s as simple as that.
8. Lock the stall.
Have you ever had someone walk in on the stall while you were inside? Yes, it may have been embarrassing for you, but you weren’t the only person in that walk-in situation. These incidents are awkward for everyone involved, so spare yourself and your officemates the shame. Always double-check the lock before you do your business.
9. No smoking!
The smell of cigarette smoke tends to linger and stick to many things, especially in enclosed spaces. Bathrooms are no exception to this, so just don’t smoke in them in the first place. Most office spaces have a dedicated smoking area anyway, so just go smoke in that one.
10. Have it cleaned when needed.
As much as you may want to keep the office bathroom clean, you can’t do everything yourself. You have your day-to-day tasks in the office to worry about, after all. If you need help cleaning up, contact the maintenance staff.
11. Report any problems.
You’ll inevitably run into bathroom problems at some point. When you do, and whether you caused them or not, report these problems to administration and maintenance staff.
12. Act how you would want others to act.
Finally, even if you forget all the rules of office bathroom etiquette, just remember to act how you would want others to. Use that as your guide, and you’ll do just fine.
Have a Professional Cleaner Maintain Your Bathrooms
No matter how terrific your office bathroom etiquette may be, you still need staff to thoroughly clean your bathrooms. Luckily, there are great options you can hire, especially in Orange County, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles.
If you need help with janitorial services of any sort, contact Prestige Property Services. We’ve got professionals that can make sure your office bathroom is kept clean, hygienic, and spotless. Call us at 714-224-0301 for inquiries.