Light fixtures – big or small – are a focal point in the living room, dining area, or even the bedroom. It is grand to stare upon a chandelier especially when it is sparkling clean. If you are looking to add light fixtures in your home to improve its aesthetic appeal and quality indoor air, we recommend that you hire day porter technicians!
How Day Porter Technicians Can Help
Cobwebs, dirt, and pesky insects have a knack for getting into hard-to-reach areas in the ceiling light fixtures. Worse are those not visible to the naked eye. These include dust and bacteria that have been built up at the passing of time and now pose a threat to your health. They can cause different types of respiratory diseases.
Day porter technicians are specially trained to do cleaning job on different types of light fixtures. Whether it comes in the form of wall sconces, or ceiling or covered outdoor lights, they know how to clean each one of them properly. Know the importance and how frequent you really need to get your light fixtures clean. Day porter technicians can definitely help in getting this job done.
It is noteworthy to enumerate why you must clean your light fixtures on a planned schedule. These include:
You wouldn’t know when it is time to get the bulbs replaced until you notice a little damage when you clean it. Rather than waiting for the hanging bulb to crack and fall off completely, it is always better to take precaution and check whether it is time to have any of your bulbs replaced.
Clean Air
Nothing compares to the self-assurance that the air you breathe inside your home is not hazardous to your lungs. Respiratory problems can begin with a sneeze and develop to become flu or worse, end in a more serious lung disease. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Clean light fixtures may also mean clean indoor air circulating in your house.
Energy Efficient
Cleaned lighting fixtures consume less wattage compared to bulbs with accumulated dirt and grime. What this means to you is that you get to save a few dollars on your next electricity bill. Furthermore, keeping the bulbs clean provides better lighting and may even prolong the life span of the bulb.
Charming Display
By having sparkling clean light fixtures, you create an appealing overall look and vibe in your house regardless of where you put such fixtures. What you see clean will also make you feel clean about your surroundings. Plus of course, clean lighting adds charm to the overall interior in your house.
Schedule Your Lighting Clean Up
When you do plan for your cleaning activities at home, consider including a schedule to clean all the lighting fixtures. Try to identify and list those fixtures that you think you are able to handle yourself and those that require special cleaning ways.
It doesn’t take long for your lighting fixtures to become dirty. Not only does it dim the ambiance in your room or the entire house, but it may also dim the fixtures’ ability to function well. Ceiling lights need a good cleaning about once a month.
For lamp shades, the secret to keeping them clean is to dust them weekly. Once you notice that dirt is present, you may wipe it with a damp cloth. Since lamp shades come in different styles, some may require dusting via vacuum which includes beaded, fabric, or rattan shades. As for silk shades, leave it to the professional who can clean for you with proper care.
Why Hire Day Porter Technicians
As mentioned, day porter technicians are specialists when it comes to getting your light fixtures clean. They know the step by step process, right from removing the bulb shade or cover, performing gentle washing and rinsing as necessary, to drying and wiping with a lint-free cloth and getting the bulbs back into their proper places.
Prestige Property Services to the Rescue
Oftentimes, you are tempted to do what you think you can do. Most likely, you end up with double work for being unaware of which step comes first or next. When you rush the cleaning of light fixtures, you either break the bulb or hurt yourself in the process. Prestige Property Services comes to the rescue.
Prestige offers convenience when it comes to your special cleaning project. Our team specializes in cleaning services especially ceiling light fixtures. Feel free to touch base today. Call us at 714-224-0301.