Window cleaning happens to be one of the more important aspects of home or building maintenance. Windows are a great part of what makes a home or building complete. They are able to add to the look and value of your establishment. This is why they should constantly be maintained and kept in good condition.
They are always exposed to different elements. Rain, snow, sun, and other changes in temperature can really dirty up the surface of your windows.
Glass is a surface that can develop a buildup of dust, dirt, and debris over time. If left unattended, glass window staining and other damages may occur. This may force you to avail of expensive and inconvenient repairs or replacements.
Here are a number of window cleaning tips we swear you will live by:
Do: Plan everything out.
Even a small amount of dust on your windows can have a great effect. This can make them immediately look dull and unappealing.
Cleaning your windows may be a task that you would just rather put off over and over again. This is because it just seems like such a hard and tedious job.
However, if you plan everything out beforehand, it will no longer seem like such an intimidating thing to do. Look at all the work you have to do, organize how you will do them, lay out all the materials you will need, and cleaning your window will be a breeze. You can even employ the help of your friends and family so that you will not get bored while working.
Do: Have the right tools.
Window cleaning can be a difficult task, especially so if you do not have the right tools for the job at hand. No matter how hard you work, if your products and equipment are no good, it will all be of no use.
Before you start, make sure you acquire all the necessary and appropriate tools. A squeegee can help you comfortably and speedily take care or all the cleaning. If you do not have one a good quality, an absorbent piece of cloth will do.
As for cleaning products, there are plenty on the market made especially for cleaning windows and glass. Make sure to carefully read and follow all the instructions that are on the product label. You may also test the product on a small patch of window first.
Do: Just use soap and water.
You will not always need all sorts of fancy products to clean your windows with. One window cleaning tip for you is to just use hot soapy water. Apart from heavy duty jobs where you really use all sorts of cleaning products, water will work just fine. Just add a little bit of dishwashing liquid in a bucket of hot water. This will be able to serve as a very powerful and effective cleaning agent.
Do: Be efficient.
No matter what tools you have, you have to be wise on how to use them. If you are using pieces of cloth, make sure to make the most out of their absorbency and ability to clean. You do not need to keep on drenching your cloth in water if it is still able to clean effectively.
On the other hand, if it is time to change cloths, you should do so. Continuing to wipe down your windows with an already overly dirty cloth can do more damage to your windows than help clean it. You can even assign a cloth for wiping your window with water and another for wiping it dry. This way, you can go along in a very efficient process.
Same goes if you are using a squeegee, regularly replace your sponge and blade as needed.
Don’t: Use harsh chemicals.
As we have mentioned, in most cases, water and soap will be enough to clean your windows. Strong chemicals will not be necessary. If you must use different cleaning products, you may opt for more natural and nontoxic options.
Additionally, experts say that using harsh chemicals on glass surfaces may create an electrical charge that attracts dust.
Don’t: Use newspaper.
There are a lot of people who swear by newspapers as their main tool for cleaning windows. A quick window cleaning tip: do not do this.
Newspapers can’t absorb a lot. All they do is rearrange the dirt on your window. These also have ink and other toxic chemicals on them that can leave more harm and filth on your windows.
Don’t: Clean your windows under the heat.
Others may think that it’s a good idea to wait for the sun to beam down in order to clean your windows. However, the heat may make cleaning even more difficult. The heat may dry up the glass too quickly. This may then leave a lot of water spots and smears. The dirt will then be a lot harder to get off.
For professional window cleaning and maintenance, contact Prestige!
Prestige Property Services have the best cleaning services around. For any questions and concerns about window cleaning in LA and Orange County, contact us right away!