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clean office space

8 Steps Towards a Clean Office Space

A well-maintained and clean office space is essential for the growth of every business and organization. Understanding the advantages of having a clean workplace and how to attain them can be helpful for a business looking to increase the efficiency and productivity of its personnel. Orderly and clean office space has many benefits, including the…

commercial cleaning myths

5 Commercial Cleaning Myths Busted

Anyone who owns a business in Orange County and Los Angeles can benefit from commercial cleaning services. Hiring commercial cleaners is crucial in maintaining an orderly and conducive workspace. However, despite the advantages of working with professional cleaners, some companies hesitate to hire their services. Below is a detailed discussion of some common commercial cleaning…

office waste

What Office Waste Can You Recycle?

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, each person generated around 4.9 pounds of municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2018. From the total MSW generated, 32.1 percent or about 94 million were recycled or composted. This gives anyone a hopeful outlook on recycling and hopefully encourages them to continue to recycle. However, there is always…

spring cleaning 2023

Tips for Office Spring Cleaning 2023

Are you planning on joining others on their spring cleaning 2023 task? In this article, we list down eight tried-and-tested tips for spring cleaning that will help restart and reenergize your business. Benefits of Spring Cleaning Studies showed that a cluttered workspace can affect an employee’s productivity. A messy space can make it difficult to…
